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The purpose of this website is for Author and Genealogist Karen Kiaer to present her original artwork, writing, and projects and provide information about genealogy and history on the Ingersoll family. All content has been created by Karen Kiaer unless otherwise noted.


Copyright Notice:​


All original work on this site is owned by Karen Kiaer. Any references to my work or excerpts taken must be attributed to me and must provide a hyperlink to my website. Please contact me for permission to republish my writing or artwork.


The Works of Others:


We are all influenced by the work of others and as such I will acknowledge any and all influences in my own work to the original source. I have provided  and will provide information on history and genealogy with appropriate acknowledgements and links to original sources.


Information Collection, Use, and Sharing

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. 


Privacy Policy:


​This website is hosted on, and my privacy policy regarding computer cookies is governed by the privacy policy. I will not collect or share any information from visitors to my site or email addresses or information from anyone who emails me through my site. I will only use information from visitors to my website to complete a purchase where applicable but I will not collect, store, or share any information from anyone who purchases artwork or writing or visits or comments on my site. â€‹


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